Best Health Insurance Agencies in Bakersfield

Clifford and Bradford Insurance Agency

Clifford and Bradford Insurance Agency is a protection organization that serves clients in the Bakersfield region. It expects to safeguard organizations and their representatives from unforeseen conditions in the future by offering them a scope of medical coverage bundles that suit their drawn out objectives and requirements. Arrangements it offers incorporate gathering wellbeing, vision, handicap, supplemental intentional items, and Medicare. HSA plans, 401k retirement plans, and dental consideration bundles are accessible also. The organization and its staff are focused on safeguarding organizations through effective procedures.

Crosby and Crosby Insurance Services

Crosby and Crosby Insurance Services is a nearby free office that has been working in Bakersfield starting around 1963. It offers individual and gathering medical coverage plans alongside aptitude in HSA. Government health care Advantage and Medicare part D plans are likewise accessible. Its group of experts has some expertise throughout everyday life, auto, sporting vehicle, and gun protection. With 45 years of industry experience, the organization has constructed organizations with various protection transporters, like Travelers, Unitrin Specialty, and Commerce West Insurance Company.

Denesha Insurance Agency

Denesha Insurance is an autonomous protection firm in Bakersfield spend significant time in health care coverage, Medicare inclusion, and worker benefits protection. The office can help people with worries in regards to Medicare, Medicare Part A, Part B, Part D, and supplemental inclusion. The firm additionally offers its clients self protect, level subsidizing for private companies, direct essential consideration, and Medi-Share. Past clients have praised Terry and Debbie Denesha from Denesha Insurance for their insight into their protection needs and concerns.

Elizabeth Cardenas

Elizabeth Cardenas of State Farm is a protection specialist that dwells in Bakersfield, California. She answers the requirements of people and organizations who are searching for health care coverage plans inside the metro. She likewise works in auto, property holders’, life, and business protection. Moreover, Cardenas has a sum of north of 19 years of involvement alongside individual State Farm specialists. Moreover, she offers banking and common subsidizes items to help clients in advancing their monetary circumstance.

Fallgatter Rhodes Insurance Services

Fallgatter Rhodes Insurance Services is a neighborhood insurance agency working in Bakersfield and has been serving the nearby metro and its close by regions beginning around 1993. With more than 100 years of consolidated insight, its group has practical experience in offering medical coverage plans to entrepreneurs as a feature of their representative advantages programs, with supplemental plans like dental and vision insurance contracts. Different areas of specialization are HR and finance administrations. Fallgatter Rhodes Insurance Services is an individual from United Valley Insurance Services alongside other 80 offices.

Protection Savings Group

Protection Savings Group is made out of organizations, independently employed people, and representatives who set aside and offer cash to pay health care coverage costs like clinical, vision, and dental. The organization offers its participation understanding which is utilized to further develop advantages and upgrade wellbeing plans for clients. Protection Savings Group takes care of those in the Bakersfield metro region. Individuals will be given the choice to set aside cash for costs in the future while being safeguarded from holes in their current protection plans.


INSURICA is an autonomous protection representative in the Cameron Group of organizations. Its Bakersfield area serves nearby clients through its wide choice of protection items and arrangements. These items range from wellbeing plans for representatives to protection inclusion for excursion properties, sporting vehicles, and individual watercraft. The business has experience giving custom protection administrations to different enterprises like the medical services, friendliness, and horticulture ventures. INSURICA was perceived by Rough Notes as the 2019 Agency of the Year.

James D. Mill operator. Jr. Protection Agency

James D. Mill operator. Jr. Protection Agency furnishes clients in Bakersfield with health care coverage plans. Also, the neighborhood specialists help people and organizations with life, business, flood, seismic tremor, and umbrella insurance contracts. They likewise offer property holders’, leaseholders’, landowner, trailer, and excursion rental home protection choices. Their other protection items incorporate auto, boat, cruiser, SR22, and ATV protection plans. The organization addresses different protection transporters, like Kemper, National General Insurance, and State Compensation Insurance Fund.

Omega Insurance

Omega Insurance is a free protection organization serving people and business clients in the Bakersfield region. It offers different health care coverage inclusion choices for people, for example, expense for-administration wellbeing plans, HMO, PPO, and POS. It additionally bargains handles bunch wellbeing inclusion, similar to health care coverage, vision inclusion, dental protection, and wellbeing investment accounts for business clients. Omega Insurance addresses a few protection transporters and manages other inclusion plans, like auto, home, business, and laborers’ pay protection.

Paul Sheldon Jr., CLU, ChFC

Paul Sheldon Jr., CLU, ChFC is a Bakersfield-based protection organization serving the protection needs of people, families, and businesses beginning around 1986. The organization works in disaster protection and an extensive variety of health care coverage choices, including Group Health Plans, Medicare Supplement Plans, Long-Term Care Insurance, and Disability protection. People under 65 may likewise get PPO wellbeing plans that cover dental and vision care, as well as HSA or Health Savings Account to cover office visits and physician recommended drugs costs.

Terrence Close

Terrence Close is a protection specialist partnered with Bankers Life, and has been offering types of assistance to clients in the Bakersfield metro and the encompassing regions starting around 2009. He is committed to offering his own types of assistance and protection arranging arrangements, so clients can boost their retirement. He additionally offers items that incorporate long haul care protection, annuities, extra security, and Medicare supplement protection. Federal medical insurance supplement protection comes in various inclusions like emergency clinic, clinical, and physician recommended drugs.

The Lynn Company

The Lynn Company is a protection organization serving customer and corporate clients situated in the Bakersfield region. It offers worker benefits strategies and clinical plans, for example, HMO, PPO plans, and HDHP. It is a worker benefit counseling firm that has been managing different health care coverage inclusions starting around 1955. It additionally helps its clients with regards to gathering and individual health care coverage, Medicare Supplement plans, Covered California Exchange inclusion, and the Affordable Care Act.

By Cary Grant

Cary Grant, the enigmatic wordsmith hailing from the UK, is a literary maestro known for unraveling the intricacies of life's myriad questions. With a flair for delving into countless niches, Grant captivates readers with his insightful perspectives on issues that resonate with millions. His prose, a symphony of wit and wisdom, transcends boundaries, offering a unique lens into the diverse tapestry of human curiosity. Whether exploring the complexities of culture, unraveling philosophical conundrums, or addressing the everyday mysteries that perplex us all, Cary Grant's literary prowess transforms the ordinary into extraordinary, making him a beacon of intellectual exploration.

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